

What we do

Specialising in executive coaching, team facilitation, and leadership development, we have proven for over 20 years that collaboration is key in business; creating high performing teams & powerful working environments, where everyone thrives. 

With our expertise working in and for the pharmaceutical industry, CoDevelop understands the challenges when working with cross-functional teams, often across different locations globally. We know that working in collaboration with one another is paramount to an organisation’s success.

Coaching for Individuals

We understand the pressures of leadership, because we’ve been there and experienced it. Developing resilience, motivation, and collaborative skills leads to success and fulfilment at work.

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Coaching for Teams

Complex workplaces like yours require everyone working productively and effectively. Teams who trust each other, communicate well, and share the same vision, really can make a difference.

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Coaching for Organisations

With a wealth of experience in large matrix organisations, we understand the pressures of workplaces like yours. We have the unique insight required to design and deliver leadership and change programmes within complex industries.

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Who we work with

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  • A Leading Pharmaceutical Company


    By Caroline Jacquet 07 Oct, 2024
    We know that 'culture eats strategy for breakfast' (Drucker) and the concept of focussing on culture is not new but it is increasingly important as its the number one priority for most People and Learning and Development teams. As leaders in executive coaching and leadership development, we at CoDevelop understand the critical role that L+D initiatives play in shaping organisational culture and driving performance. In this blog, we delve into the key insights and strategies for building and sustaining a high-performance culture within pharmaceutical organisations, drawing on our expertise and experience. Balancing high regulation with high innovation: As an example, the UK’s pharmaceutical sector stands as a testament to the transformative power of effective L+D initiatives. In a highly regulated and competitive industry, where innovation and agility are paramount, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development is non-negotiable. One of the fundamental aspects contributing to a high-performance culture in UK pharmaceutical organisations is the strategic alignment of L+D initiatives with business objectives. By tailoring training programs to address industry-specific challenges and opportunities, organisations can equip their teams with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their roles. As a leader of a high performing Pharma team, we know you are on a pedestal, or feel so, nearly all of the time and that is why investing in leadership development programmes is crucial for driving cultural transformation from the top-down. Effective leaders serve as role models, championing a culture of excellence, collaboration, and innovation. By nurturing leadership capabilities through targeted development initiatives, organisations can create a ripple effect that permeates throughout the entire workforce.
    By Caroline Jacquet 26 Sep, 2024
    ADHD is a hot topic right now, and likely you’re reading this because either someone you know has it, suspects they have it, or even think this might be you. While some think it’s a fad, we have firsthand personal experience to know that it is not. ADHD is real and it brings with it very real benefits and very real risks. It also brings a new dimension for leaders and now is the right time to start lean about it. We believe it is essential to understand and tailor your leadership, to support and get the most out of your people who maybe ADHD…. Let’s face it, it’s highly likely they are some of your high achievers, with great vision and energy. What ADHD is? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interfere with executive functioning and development. It typically begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. The disorder affects 5% of people living in the UK, roughly around 3.3 million people. ADHD affects individuals in various aspects of their lives, including their professional endeavours. While there has been much research into its impact in the education setting, there has been far less about how it can impact people in the workplace. of the workforce. How ADHD affects professionals? In a professional context, ADHD can manifest in several ways that impact work performance: Difficulty with focus and attention : Individuals with ADHD may struggle to maintain focus on tasks, leading to distractibility and difficulty completing work assignments. They may frequently switch between tasks or have trouble following through on projects. Impulsivity : Impulsivity can lead to hasty decisions making without considering the consequences, which can result in errors or poor judgment in a professional setting. This may include interrupting others during meetings or acting without thinking through the potential outcomes. Organisation and Time Management Challenges : ADHD often involves difficulties with organisation and time management. Individuals may struggle with planning and prioritizing tasks, meeting deadlines, and maintaining orderly workspaces. Communication Issues : ADHD can affect communication skills, leading to challenges in expressing thoughts clearly, listening attentively, and maintaining appropriate social interactions in professional settings. The positives All too often talk of ADHD focuses on the challenges, the negatives but ADHD brain brings unique brilliance too and this is why we are so passionate about helping leaders to understand and learn how to work with their ADHDers… A 2023 Oxford study has shown those with ADHD demonstrate significant strengths compared to those without it in 3 main areas 1. hyper- focus – while we are told that ADHDers can’t focus, the truth is they can, and they do – on the things that really matter. Give them something they believe in to work on, and you will be rewarded with unwavering focus and attention. 2. cognitive flexibility - curiosity and creative problem solving – the ADHD brain has different pathways which means it can find new and different approaches. How many times have you heard about entrepreneurs with an ADHD diagnosis who have used their creativity to bring world new solutions? The names Branson and Bartlett, spring to mind. 3. sensory processing - empathy and compassion. ADHDers are hyper sensing. They feel things differently too which means they can often tune into others in unique and powerful ways This means those in your team with ADHD will be bringing unique strengths in energising people, are you maximising these ?
    By Caroline Jacquet 26 Sep, 2024
    In the dynamic landscape of the pharmaceutical industry, effective leadership is not just desirable—it's imperative as technology is transforming health outcomes. The ability to navigate complex challenges, foster patient innovation, and inspire teams toward common goals defines success in this field. Leadership excellence isn't a static state; it's an ongoing journey of growth and development and it is not easy. This is where coaching steps in as a transformative tool, helping leaders unleash their full potential and drive organisational success. For Everyone - Why coaching matters At CoDevelop, we understand that leadership isn't just about position or authority; it's about influence and impact. That's why we emphasise coaching as a pivotal component of our leadership development programs. Coaching goes beyond traditional training methods by providing personalised challenge and support tailored to each leader's unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations. Understanding the Value of coaching Coaching isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; by partnering with a CoDevelop coach, our clients gain access to a wealth of expertise in leadership tailored to the industry's demands. Our programmes are grounded in proven methodologies and backed by real-life success stories within global pharmaceutical companies. Success Stories in Pharma Leadership Coaching Imagine a scenario where your team is facing significant market disruptions due to regulatory changes. In such a challenging environment, the effectiveness of your leadership becomes paramount. Giving you space to explore ideas, create strategies to motivate your team and find new solutions can really help. We have seen remarkable transformations in leaders who have navigated these hurdles with confidence and resilience. One such success story involves a UK-based pharmaceutical executive grappling with shifting market dynamics and internal restructuring. Through targeted coaching sessions, this leader gained clarity on strategic priorities, honed their decision-making skills, and fostered stronger collaboration within their team. As a result, the company not only weathered the storm but emerged stronger and more agile than before. Adapting to Global Dynamics Leadership extends beyond borders. Most of our clients operate on a global scale, managing diverse teams across different cultural contexts. This presents unique challenges that require a nuanced approach to coaching. CoDevelop understands the complexities of leading global teams and offers tailored coaching solutions to address cultural diversity and foster inclusive leadership. By leveraging effective communication strategies and cultural intelligence, our coaching programs empower leaders to bridge cultural gaps, build trust, and drive high-performance teams regardless of geographical boundaries. Key Strategies for Success Effective coaching in this space requires a strategic approach tailored to the unique demands of the sector. Here are some key strategies for success: Focus on Leadership Competencies : Identify the specific leadership competencies crucial for success in the industry, such as strategic vision, stakeholder management, leading cross-functional teams and resilience. Harness Data-Driven Insights : Leverage psychometric tools and assessments to gain deeper insights into leadership styles, personality traits, and areas for development. This data-driven approach enhances self-awareness and informs targeted coaching interventions. Embrace a Growth Mindset : Encourage leaders to adopt a growth mindset characterised by curiosity, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change. Coaching serves as a catalyst for continuous learning and development, enabling leaders to thrive in an ever-evolving industry landscape. Promote Accountability and Action : Empower leaders to set clear goals, track progress, and take proactive steps toward achieving their objectives. Coaching provides the accountability and support needed to translate insights into tangible results. 
    By Caroline Jacquet 08 Sep, 2024
    Here at Co Develop we believe that the world works better when we all work together. We have been talking a lot recently about the power of collaboration because we see first hand, every day, what can be achieved by bringing people together to solve challenges, create better solutions and make things happen. So what does this mean for leaders and their teams? Today, we dive into the essence of leadership that we think defines success in the contemporary world - Collaborative Leadership. We have learnt from our clients that in order to best serve patients and as a result of recent events in the Pharmaceutical industry, aligning with the principles of collaborative leadership becomes not just a choice but a necessity. Drawing inspiration from the insights of the Oxford Leadership group paper, "Collaborative Leadership: Engaging collective intelligence to achieve results across organisational boundaries" , let's explore why being a collaborative or enterprise leader is crucial for you and your team in today's dynamic landscape and unearth practical actions you can take. Why Collaborative Leadership matters In the fast-paced and interconnected world we inhabit and in the complex matrix structures of most of the Pharmaceutical industry, the traditional, hierarchical model of leadership is becoming obsolete. The challenges we face, from global pandemics to complex economic landscapes, demand leaders who can navigate ambiguity, foster innovation, and unite diverse teams. This is precisely where collaborative leadership comes to the fore. Adapting to Complexity The Oxford Leadership group paper emphasises the need for leaders to engage collective intelligence to tackle intricate challenges. Collaborative leaders are adept at navigating complexity by tapping into the diverse expertise within and outside their organisations. Breaking down silos Our clients consistently tell us that silos are barriers to progress and ask for our help in breaking them down. Collaborative leaders dismantle these silos, fostering cross-functional working and finding ways that information can flow seamlessly across departments. Fostering innovation Collaboration is the breeding ground for innovation and change. Collaborative leaders create a culture that encourages the exchange of ideas, sparking creativity and driving continuous improvement. Rather than protecting their own ideas, they generously share them with other teams and encourage them to build on them together. Thriving in Change The ability to adapt and thrive in times of change is a hallmark of collaborative leadership. Leaders and teams who are working together and connected both within and outside their organisations can spot opportunities for change first. They take inspiration from what they learn from others to drive the changes that will help them succeed.
    By Claire Osborn 16 Aug, 2024
    Collaboration is at the heart of our business, and we think it's a powerful tool for yours too. CoDevelop believes collaboration to be the driving force behind creativity, productivity, and adaptability. We love working with people and teams because together, they bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table, leading to creative solutions and better decision-making. We could go on at length about the theory, but we think it’s a natural human instinct to want to work together. Unfortunately in a competitive landscape, business culture can occasionally sleepwalk into a siloed approach - where other divisions, departments or even people are to be avoided or mistrusted. But the benefits of collaboration are so great, they almost always drive collective ambition and achievement far above thoughts of personal gain. When the collective wins, the individuals win too. To summarise, in business terms, effective collaboration delivers; Enhanced Communication Increased Productivity More Efficient Processes Stronger Learning and Development Innovative and Effective Problem Solving United, Aligned, and Engaged Employees Greater Talent Retention
    Executive Coaching
    By Caroline Jacquet 14 Apr, 2024
    In the vibrant world of CoDevelop, we believe that the world works better when we all work together. Here, we know that collaboration, relationships, pragmatism, and positivity converge to redefine success. As we embark on this exciting journey of relaunching our brand, it's only fitting that we shed light on a powerful catalyst that fuels personal and professional growth - Executive Coaching. In a dynamic business landscape, where change is the only constant, leaders need a compass to navigate through challenges and seize opportunities. Executive coaching provides that compass by offering a personalised, one-on-one partnership designed to unleash your potential and drive tangible results. Why Executive Coaching? Collaboration At CoDevelop , we believe in the strength of collaboration. Executive coaching is the epitome of collaborative synergy, where a skilled coach partners with you to co-create a roadmap for success. It's not about being told what to do; it's about working together to explore, understand, and implement strategies that align with your unique goals Relationships Building meaningful relationships is at the heart of what we do. An executive coach becomes a confidant, a sounding board, and a strategic thinking partner. This relationship isn't just about professional development; it's about understanding your values, aspirations, and challenges, ensuring a holistic approach to growth. Pragmatism We're grounded in pragmatism, and so is executive coaching. It's not about abstract theories or generic advice. A good coach provides actionable insights and strategies tailored to your specific needs. They are your pragmatic guide, helping you navigate real-world challenges with practical solutions. Positivity While the stakes may be high, the journey doesn't have to be heavy - it an can be focused and fun ! Executive coaching at CoDevelop embraces a positive, strength focused approach. The process is serious, but the atmosphere is positive, ensuring a productive and enjoyable experience.
    By Claire Osborn 28 Sep, 2023
    I can’t quite believe that I established CoDevelop nearly a decade ago and I now have a fantastic team of nine associates working alongside me. We’ve worked with some amazing companies along the way and our business has continued to develop, to the point where we are now working with bigger businesses on more strategic projects. Such progress recently led us to realise that the CoDevelop brand had reached the stage where it didn’t truly reflect who we are and what we now do. So, after working hard over the past few months, we are delighted to launch a new brand for CoDevelop that represents us as the leading provider of executive coaching, team facilitation, and leadership development in the pharmaceutical industry. As it's quite a change from the previous brand, we thought you might be interested in some of the thinking behind it.
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